
Anonymous Analytics Collection

Sep 14, 2016

OCLint is provided free of charge and run entirely by contributors. As a result, we do not have the resources to do detailed studies of how OCLint is deployed and applied in the real-world.

We will start collecting anonymous analytics about how OCLint is used. This is completely anonymous and is only used for helping us improve the product. The data we collect (to mention a few, the operating system and its version, which languages OCLint analyzes on, OCLint configurations, rule configurations, etc) will help us decide the features and environments that we keep or deprecate support for, and help us prioritize current work. Being an open source project means the source code about the analytics can be reviewed to see exactly how and what we collect.

We value privacy and we treat privacy very seriously. The data we collect is governed by this Privacy Policy. For the data we collect in OCLint, it’s totally anonymous, and we don’t collect any personally identifiable information. Again, check out the changes in this pull request for details.

In addition, helping us improve our product is voluntary, and leaving it on is appreciated. However, it can be opted out by giving -no-analytics argument to OCLint:

oclint -no-analytics [other options] <source0> [... <sourceN>]

Alternatively, if OCLint is built from source code locally, this will prevent analytics module from ever being built:

./build -no-analytics